#. Radiopaque glass ionomer restorative cement. For use only by a dental professional in the recommended indications. #. Recommended Indications 1.Restoration of primary teeth 2.Core build up 3.Resoration of class III, V and limited class I cavities #. Contraindications 1.Pulp capping 2.In rare cases the product may causes sensitivity in some people. If any such reactions are experienced, discontinue the use of the product and refer to a physician. #. Direction for Use Test conditions : Temperature: 23+/- 1 0c , Relative humidity 50 +/- 10% . ISO 9917-1, 2008 E 1. Powder and Liquid dispensing •The standard powder to liquid ratio is 2.7 / 1.0 g. One level scoop of powder to 1 drop of liquid. •For accurate dispensing of powder, lightly tap the bottle against the hand. Do not shake or invert. •Hold the liquid bottle vertically and squeeze gently. •Close bottle immediately after use. 2. Mixing •Dispence powder and liquid on to the pad.Using the plastic spatula , divide the powder in to two equal parts. Mix the first portion with all of the liquid for 10 seconds. Incorporate the remaining portion and mix the whole throughly for 15 to 20 seconds. ( total time within 30 seconds ) 3. Restorative Technique •Prepare tooth using standard techniques. Extensive mechanical retension is not necessary. For pulp capping, use calcium hydroxide. • Wash and dry but do not desiccate. AXO RESTORE Cavity Conditioner or AXO RESTORE Dentin conditioner is recom- mended to remove the smear layer. •Mix the required amount of cement. Working time is 2 minutes from the start of mixing at 23 0c ( 73.4 0F ). Higher temperature will shorten working time. •Remove surface moisture but do not Transfer cement to the preparation using a syringe or suitable placement instrument. Avoid air bubble. •Form the contour and place matrix if required during the first two minutes of setting. •Setting time is 5 minutes 30 seconds after start of mixing. Once set,remove the matrix and immediately apply. 4. Finishing a.One visit treatment i.After initial set connect the contour without water spray using standard technique. ii.Apply varnish and wait for about 15 minutes. iii.Final finishing and polishing may now be carried out. iv.Apply a final coat of varnish. b. Standard Method 24 Hours after placement finish and polish the restoration under water spray using standard techniques. c.Storage Store at temperature of 4 to 25 0c ( 39..2 to 77.0 0F). #. Shelf life : 3years from the date of manufacture |